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The Office of the Comptroller Non-Tax Revenue Unit provides statewide services to Commonwealth of Massachusetts agencies to assist and enhance revenue collection and recovery. Services and tools provided include managing and maintain the statewide billing system BARS, procuring and managing statewide contracts for electronic payments, payment card industry standards, lockbox check processing, revenue maximization vendors, and debt collection services.

Electronic Revenue and Payment Collection, Associated Data Security

Resources to inform and assist Commonwealth eligible entities to implement electronic revenue and payment collection solutions. This service offering encompasses electronic revenue on the web and at the point of sale (i.e., automated clearing house payments (ACH), credit cards, and debit cards), lockbox processing, and data security related to sensitive personally identifiable data belonging to Commonwealth constituents utilizing state services.


Mass Pays

Are you a Commonwealth of Massachusetts department with customers wanting to pay online?

Now more than ever, the Commonwealth’s customers welcome the convenience and timeliness of making payments online with Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Amex, or Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) rather than mailing a check. Over